Numerology: Lucky & Unlucky Numbers

Numerology: Understanding Lucky and Unlucky Numbers Numerology is the study of the mystical relationship between numbers and events or characteristics in the world. Throughout history, various civilizations have attributed special significance to certain numbers, considering some as lucky numbers and others as unlucky numbers. This fascinating field explores how numbers can influence our lives, beliefs,…

Plant Taxonomy: Summary & Characteristics

Defining Characteristics of the Plant Kingdom: Multicellular Terrestrial Embryophytes Photosynthetic (almost all) Eukaryotic 4 Major Groups 1.     Non-Vascular Plants (Bryophytes and Friends) No vascular tissue – therefore must rely on surrounding moisture and osmosis to move fluids through their bodies. Small in stature, and simplistic – NO organs (roots, leaves, stems) (Rhizoids = root-like structures…


Why Do Ice Ages Occur: Theories

Plants Theory (recent): Given by University research team Global cooling was caused by reduction of carbon in the atmosphere due to the first appearance of plants (photosynthesis) Less greenhouse gas (carbon) to prevent escape of infrared radiation which leads to cooler temperatures (less heat trapped) Plants (ex. moss) extract calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron which…


Global Warming: Effect on the Atlantic Conveyor Belt & Consequences

What is Happening? The Greenland ice sheet is melting. The ice sheet melting will result in less saline (less dense) water entering the North Atlantic Ocean and floating on top of it instead of sinking, causing less and less deep water currents to moderate the globe’s climate, especially Northern Europe’s. Deep water currents are mainly…