William completed his Bachelor of Science and Master of Arts in 2013. He current serves as a lecturer, tutor and freelance writer. In his spare time, he enjoys reading, walking his dog and parasailing. Article last reviewed: 2022 | St. Rosemary Institution © 2010-2025 | Creative Commons 4.0

Life Span Development of Adolescents, Early and Middle Adulthood

FIVE IMPORTANT FEATURES OF DEVELOPMENT Boys LH/ISIH and FSH stimulate the somniferous tables and testosterone secretion. Testicular enlargement Testes have two primary Functions to produce hormones and to produce sperms Voice change under the influence of androgens, the larynx (voice box) grows in both gender, but is far more prominent in boys causing the male…

Essay: Social and Psychological Impacts of Cults

Along the arrival of a new generation, there was an increase of cultic movements and activities within them (Walsh, 2001). Common characteristics of harmful and destructive cults include a charismatic leader, an excluded group that opposes mainstream and traditional ideas, isolation from non-cult members, and ritual abuse (MacHovec, 1992). Cults make unqualified claims about their leader’s…

Essay: Theme of therapy in “On the Sea” and “Tintern Abbey”

The Romantic Movement was driven by an enthusiasm for experience and emotion, and the status that was attributed to this – a radical change from the lofty poetry it succeeded, and a violent reaction to the rationalism and Newtonian science that was compartmentalising and experimenting on the world. Both Keats and Wordsworth, despite writing almost…

The Causes and Impact of Brexit on the British Economy

Brexit refers to the referendum where Britons voted to exit from the European Union and this had implications for both EU and Britain. The essay will explain factor which contributes to Britain exit which includes national autonomy, Britain was paying more and immigration. Moreover, Brexit had a more negative impact on the economy of Britain…

Family in “The Rich Brother” and “The Barracks Thief”

Tobias Wolff’s “The Rich Brother” and The Barracks Thief each present childish, flawed men pursuing independent paths to escape their crippling family life. The main characters’ relentless rivalries, and family transgressions have provoked them to underestimate their need for others. “The Rich Brothers’” Pete and Donald are complete opposites in every aspect of their lives;…