William completed his Bachelor of Science and Master of Arts in 2013. He current serves as a lecturer, tutor and freelance writer. In his spare time, he enjoys reading, walking his dog and parasailing. Article last reviewed: 2022 | St. Rosemary Institution © 2010-2025 | Creative Commons 4.0

Ventricles and Meninges

Ventricles= expansions of the brain’s central cavity Filled with CSF, lined with ependymal cells Continuous with each other, central canal, and spinal cord 1st/2nd= paired lateral ventricles (lie in cerebral hemispheres) [separated by septum pellucidum– transparent wall] 3rd ventricle lies within diencephalon [connected to each lateral ventricles by interventricular foreamen] In midbrain is central cavity…

Acceleration Due to Gravity & Velocity of an Object in Free Fall Lab Answers

Purpose The purpose of this lab was to evaluate the increase in velocity with time during a free fall. Also, to determine the position from the start of the fall. Hypothesis It is hypothesized that the object that is dropped will endure gradual change acceleration in acceleration. The acceleration for the object in the velocity-time…


Diencephalon: Thalamus, Hypothalamus, Epithalamus

Diencephalon: forms central core of forebrain, surrounded by cerebral hemispheres. Made of 3 paired structures: 1) thalamus, hypothalamus, and epithalamus. Thalamus: egg-shaped (known as the inner room) has midline connection called interthalamic adhesion ***EVERY part of the brain that communicated with the cerebral cortex must relay its signals through a nucleus of the thalamus. Hypothalamus:…

stadion ancient olympics

Ancient Olympics: Running, Wrestling, Boxing, Pankration, Pentathlon

Stephanitic: crown; four athletic festivals; Olympic Games, Nemean Games, Isthmain Games, Pythian Games Stadion: one stadion= 600 ancient feet. (Gymnikos Agon- nude competition); modern equivalent- 200m sprint Run knee high/ arm extended (only event from 776-724) Victor gave his name for 4 year Olympiad (use Olympiads to reckon time) Then Diaulos (400m was added to…