William completed his Bachelor of Science and Master of Arts in 2013. He current serves as a lecturer, tutor and freelance writer. In his spare time, he enjoys reading, walking his dog and parasailing. Article last reviewed: 2022 | St. Rosemary Institution © 2010-2025 | Creative Commons 4.0

Mental & Physical Development over Lifespan

Developmental psychology examines changes in biological, physical, psychological, and behavioural processes over age Four issues guide developmental research: Nature and nurture – To what extent is our development the product of heredity (nature) or the product of the environment (nurture)? How do they interact? Critical and sensitive periods – Are some experiences especially important at…

What is Personality? How is it form?

Personality – the distinctive and relatively enduring ways of thinking, feeling, and acting that characterize a person’s responses to life situations Aspects of personality have three characteristics: Seen as components of identity that distinguish that person from other people Behaviours viewed as being caused primarily by internal rather than environmental factors Behaviours seem to fit…

Psychological Disorders

Historical Perspectives on Psychological Disorders The Demonological View Abnormal behaviour was claimed to be work of the devil Procedure called trephination drilled hole in skull to release evil spirits Early Biological Views Hippocrates suggested that mental illnesses are diseases just like physical disorders Believed that site of illness was the brain Biological emphasis increased after…

Types of Treatment of Psychological Disorders

Mental health professionals fall into several categories: Counseling and clinical psychologists – typically hold a Ph.D. or Psy.D. Psychiatrists – medical doctors who specialize in psychotherapy and biomedical treatments Therapist, counselor, psychotherapist, hypnotist are NOT protected terms APA membership: 29% eclectic (combined), 21% psychodynamic, 16% behavioural, 13% cognitive, 12% humanistic, 9% other Psychodynamic Therapies Psychoanalysis…

Competition in a Free Market

–          North Americans live in a free market society –          In a free market, businesses can make a profit, which means that successful business people can keep some of the money that they make –          Profit drives business; the more successful a business becomes, the more profit the owner keeps –          Profits may be reinvested…

Business Competitive Advantages

businesses look for advantages over their competition Some of these advantages are temporary, part of the continual back- and forth activity that occurs among competitors i.e. Pepsi and Coke Sustainable Competitive Advantages o   Sustainable competitive advantages are methods by which a business holds on to its customers, in spite of the competition o   Developing a…

Customer Relationship Management

Marketers use customer relationship management tools to create marketing programs that satisfy customers Customer relationship management involves three stages: customer acquistion, customer retention, and customer reacquisition Customer relationship management Overall process of building and maintaining profitable customer relationships by delivering superior customer value and satisfaction Information technology and database systems Customer contact brands or companies…

Functionalism, Systems Theory, Symbolic Interactionism, Social Exchange Theory

Functionalism: -The sociological theory that ties to explain how a society is organized to perform functions effectively. This theory focuses on how the structures function within society. It is the oldest sociological theory and is also used by anthropologists. – These structures, for example: the law, political system, and family; called institutions. – assumes that…

Studies of the Family: Psychological, anthropological, sociological

ANTHROPOLOGICAL: The study of human behavior in societies, therefore it is the study of culture, the arts beliefs habits institutions and other endeavours that are characteristic of a specific community, society, or nation. – studies highlight the diversity of behaviors that fulfill the functional requisites of society. – ethnocentrism: the tendency to evaluate behavior from…

Functions of the Family

1. Responsible for the addition of new members through reproduction. Society must maintain a stable population in order to survive. Population growth provides a competitive advantage that usually enables a society to become wealthier. 2. Provide physical care for their members, including adults, children, and dependent elderly. When families are unable to care for their…