William completed his Bachelor of Science and Master of Arts in 2013. He current serves as a lecturer, tutor and freelance writer. In his spare time, he enjoys reading, walking his dog and parasailing. Article last reviewed: 2022 | St. Rosemary Institution © 2010-2025 | Creative Commons 4.0

Thermal Energy Transfer: Conduction, Convection, Radiation

All things are made up of molecules. When things get heated, they absorb heat energy. With more energy, molecules are able to move faster, and when molecules move faster, the temperature rises. What is Thermal Energy Transfer Thermal Energy Transfer Definitions & Examples Conduction Convection Convection is the transfer of thermal energy through the movement…

Nutrition Recommendations for Canadians

NUTRITION The study of the nutrients in foods and of the body’s handling of them.  This includes ingestion, digestion, absorption, transport, metabolism, interaction, storage, and excretion. FOOD Material containing nutrients taken into the body for the maintenance of life and the growth and repair of tissues. NUTRIENTS Substances obtained from food and used in the…

What is Physiology? Exercise physiology & Sports physiology

The study of the mechanisms by which the body functions Anatomy was the forerunner of physiology Study how our organ systems, tissues, cells, and molecules within cells work and how their functions are integrated to regulate our internal environments Exercise physiology The study of how our bodies’ structures and functions are altered when we are…

Imperialism, Colonialism, and Resistance in the Nineteenth Century

Imperialism In The Nineteenth Century A significant shift occurred in the second half of the nineteenth century. After 1870 and even more dramatically after 1885, there was a remarkable increase in the European acquisition of colonial territories in the South Pacific, Asia, and Africa In 1870, about 10% of Africa had been colonized, whereas by…

Nations in Upheaval: Europe: 1850-1914 (France, Germany, Britain)

The Rise of the Nation-State Political leaders driven to consolidate power By 1871 the process of consolidation and unification had created modern Germany and Italy, altering the balance of power The struggle between states for land and wealth occurred primarily outside Europe through imperialism The process of expanding a nation’s territory through the acquisition of…

Political Change during the Industrial Revolution

The introduction of liberalism in the 18th century meant a new age in British politics, which continued through the Industrial Revolution Gladstone (Liberal) and Disraeli (Conservative) were two of the most influential political leaders of the late Industrial Revolution Both advocated reform of social structure; as a result, some of the more productive governments came…